Wild Seads Coaching

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This fall, why not take on a wee challenge with me:). You know those boots you haven’t worn in the past 4 winters? How about that box (or 10) you’ve been meaning to sort through in your basement? How many photo’s do you have collecting on your phone?:). What about that shed/back closet/pantry/fridge door/ etc?:)

When we change, it can be very helpful to clear past things that no longer work for us. This can feel emotional and that is normal as “we”, our ego selves, that is, attach ourselves to things that become representations of ourselves. Change is difficult for the ego. Yet change is also necessary when we grow. Honouring these changes through regular clearing may be helpful in releasing old allegiances. Too many ties to too many things, especially things that are outdated clogs up our “circuitry.” “Who are we?”, the mind wants to understand. The actual act of clearing things can be very powerful to align your subconscious mind with current identity - the person you are NOW, today.

The physical act of clearing can provide a chance to honour the versions of us that helped us get where we are now and also who we are consciously becoming.

Clearing helps us gain mental focus and clarity, by removing ‘ties’ that the subconscious mind see’s us as no longer needing. And that allows us to focus our mind more clearly on what is truly important to us now.

Even better! Once we create extra space, we have room to grow into future versions of who we are want to be.

This month, I invite us all to partake in a little ritual of Daily Clearing. 5mins per day. Here are some suggestions:

-Phone photos

-Social media accounts / people you follow


-Kitchen cupboards

-That back shed;)



-Computer Files

And so much more…

This may even be a time to let go of relationships that are no longer contributing to your health and well-being. This may be completed symbolically, using journalling, or in your inner vision, using higher self imagining conversation, or this might happen through face to face meeting. Forgiveness and compassion for yourself and others is the most soothing way we can move through these changing relationships and changing seasons.

Be prepared! Once you start releasing…more of what today’s version of you can come in streaming so this can also be a VERY good moment to get CRYSAL CLEAR on who you are now and the version of you, that you are loving into existence with every thought, act and experience. I recommend you have this in your mind, journal, vision board, fridge etc before beginning. WHY are you clearing these worn out things associated with your past? WHO have you become that you admire? And What VISION will you be creating space for? Write those out before beginning. and then…set your timer once a day for the 30 days:)

5 mins starting on the first of the month (or any day;).

Are you ready?

I want to hear about your experience!

Much love and happy clearing!

